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Fractal Speech Processing
Although widely employed in image processing, the use of fractal techniques and
the fractal dimension for speech characterization and recognition is a relatively new
concept, which is now receiving serious attention. This book represents the fruits of
research carried out to develop novel fractal-based techniques for speech and audio
signal processing. Much of this work is finding its way into practical commercial
The book starts with an introduction to speech processing and fractal geometry,
setting the scene for the heart of the book where fractal techniques are described in
detail with numerous applications and examples, and concludes with a chapter summing
up the potential and advantages of these new techniques over conventional processing
methods. It will provide a valuable resource for researchers, academics and practising
engineers working in the field of audio signal processing and communications.
Professor Marwan Al-Akaidi
is Head of the School of Engineering and Technology at
De Montfort University, UK. He is a Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and
Electronic Engineers and Fellow of the Institute of Electrical Engineering. He is Chair
of the IEEE UKRI Signal Processing Society and has presided over many national and
international conferences in the field.
Speech Processing
Marwan AI-Akaidi
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