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//-->The History of the Thirty Years’ WarbyFriedrich SchillerTranslated by the Rev. A. J. W. Morrison, M.A.A Penn State Electronic Classics Series PublicationThe History of the Thirty Years’ Warby Friedrich Schiller Translated by the Rev. A. J. W.Morrison, M.A.is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. This Portable Documentfile is furnished free and without any charge of any kind. Any person using this documentfile, for any purpose, and in any way does so at his or her own risk. Neither the Pennsylva-nia State University nor Jim Manis, Faculty Editor, nor anyone associated with the Pennsyl-vania State University assumes any responsibility for the material contained within thedocument or for the file as an electronic transmission, in any way.The History of the Thirty Years’ Warby Friedrich Schiller Translated by the Rev. A. J. W.Morrison, M.A.,the Pennsylvania State University,Electronic Classics Series,Jim Manis, FacultyEditor, Hazleton, PA 18201-1291 is a Portable Document File produced as part of an ongoingstudent publication project to bring classical works of literature, in English, to free and easyaccess of those wishing to make use of them.Cover Design: Jim ManisCopyright © 2000 The Pennsylvania State UniversityThe Pennsylvania State University is an equal opportunity university.Friedrich SchillerThe History of theThirty Years’ WarbyFriedrich SchillerTranslated by the Rev. A. J. W. Morrison, M.A.Johann Cristoph Friedrich vonSchiller:German Writer — 1759-1805.Volume OnePrefaceTHEthe only collected edition of theprincipal works of Schiller which is accessible toEnglish readers. Detached poems or dramas havebeen translated at various times, and sometimesPRESENT ISby men of eminence, since the first publicationof the original works; and in several instancesthese versions have been incorporated, aftersome revision or necessary correction, into thefollowing collection; but on the other hand a largeproportion of the contents have been speciallytranslated for this edition, in which category arethe historical works which occupy this volumeand a portion of the next.Schiller was not less efficiently qualified by na-ture for an historian than for a dramatist. He wasformed to excel in all departments of literature,and the admirable lucidity of style and sound-ness and impartiality of judgment displayed inhis historical writings will not easily by surpassed,and will always recommend them as popular ex-positions of the periods of which they treat.Since the first publication of this edition manycorrections and improvements have been made,with a view to rendering it as acceptable as possibleto English readers.3The History of the Thirty Years’ WarContentsKing by the Bohemians. — He accepts theCrown of Bohemia. — Bethlen Gabor, Prince ofTransylvania, invades Austria. — The Duke ofBavaria and the Princes of the League embracethe cause of Ferdinand. — The Union arm forFrederick. — The Battle of Prague and totalsubjection of Bohemia.Book II.State of the Empire. — Of Europe. — Mansfeld.— Christian, Duke of Brunswick. — Wallensteinraises an Imperial Army at his own expense. —The King of Denmark defeated. — Death ofMansfeld. — Edict of Restitution in 1628. —Diet at Ratisbon. — Negociations. — Wallensteindeprived of the Command. — GustavusAdolphus. — Swedish Army. — GustavusAdolphus takes his leave of the States atStockholm. — Invasion by the Swedes. — Theirprogress in Germany. — Count Tilly takes the4History of the Thirty Years’ WarBook I.Introduction. — General effects of the Refor-mation. — Revolt of Matthias. — The Emperorcedes Austria and Hungary to him. — Matthiasacknowledged King of Bohemia. — The Electorof Cologne abjures the Catholic Religion. —Consequences. — The Elector Palatine. — Dis-pute respecting the Succession of Juliers. —Designs of Henry IV. of France. — Formation ofthe Union. — The League. — Death of the Em-peror Rodolph. — Matthias succeeds him. —Troubles in Bohemia. — Civil War. — Ferdinandextirpates the Protestant Religion from Styria.— The Elector Palatine, Frederick V., is chosenFriedrich SchillerCommand of the Imperial Troops. — Treaty withFrance. — Congress at Leipzig. — Siege andcruel fate of Magdeburg. — Firmness of theLandgrave of Cassel. — Junction of the Saxonswith the Swedes. — Battle of Leipzig. — Conse-quences of that Victory.Book III.Book IV.Situation of Gustavus Adolphus after the Battleof Leipzig. — Progress of Gustavus Adolphus.— The French invade Lorraine. — Frankforttaken. — Capitulation of Mentz. — Tilly orderedby Maximilian to protect Bavaria. — GustavusAdolphus passes the Lech. — Defeat and Deathof Tilly. — Gustavus takes Munich. — The SaxonArmy invades Bohemia, and takes Prague. —Distress of the Emperor. — Secret Triumph ofWallenstein. — He offers to Join GustavusAdolphus. — Wallenstein re-assumes the Com-mand. — Junction of Wallenstein with the Ba-5Closer Alliance between France and Sweden.— Oxenstiern takes the Direction of Affairs. —Death of the Elector Palatine. — Revolt of theSwedish Officers. — Duke Bernhard takesRatisbon. — Wallenstein enters Silesia. —Forms Treasonable Designs. — Forsaken by theArmy. — Retires to Egra. — His associates putto death. — Wallenstein’s death. — His Char-acter.varians. — Gustavus Adolphus defendsNuremberg. — Attacks Wallenstein’sIntrenchments. — Enters Saxony. — Goes tothe succour of the Elector of Saxony. — Marchesagainst Wallenstein. — Battle of Lutzen. —Death of Gustavus Adolphus. — Situation ofGermany after the Battle of Lutzen. 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